Costs and Funding
Our charges and the process
For anyone requiring more intensive staff input we have a very competitive hourly charge for one-to-one support which includes all sessions costs.
Please contact us for the most up to date prices.
The funding process – Some people pay for New Directions through an individualised budget from the Social Care and Health Department. To gain funding from Health and Social Care individuals need to have an assessment of need which must identify a need for day opportunities. A support plan is then drawn up by a social worker with indicative costs.
If you want to ask for an assessment of your needs you can contact the Staffordshire Cares helpline on 0300 111 8010. We can also help you with this.
Please contact us for more information Some people also chose to pay for activities themselves and
we are happy to speak to people about costs.
If you want to ask for an assessment of your needs you can contact the Staffordshire Cares helpline on 0300 111 8010. We can also help you with this. Please contact us for more information
Some people also choose to pay for activities themselves and
we are happy to speak to people about costs.